
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Mine and My Parents’ Attitude on Life Essay

All of my life, my parents are the great shoulders for me to lean on. They fate the happiness with me, comfort me whenever I am sad, they are the people who continuously catch me eithertime I f altogether. However, , my parents and I do not adjudge the same(p) carriage toward my analyzeing, my relationship and notes. The contrast in our attitude causes our life, more or little, complicated but kindle.First, my parents and I open disaccordent ideas virtually canvas in the college. From the start, for my parents attitude, studying in the college means only books and grades. They said to me as I was a freshman, When you receives your degree, we demand you to be able to get a job that go forth support yourself. We to a fault want you to progress to grades that leave behind make you a realistic candidate for that job. Dont make college life a dotty of time. It means I will sp stop roughly of my time in the library, attend all the lectures hours, study hard day by day a nd at the end of the semester, I will have to show them my high grades. Following their advices, I do not have free time for myself, I cant take part in any extra -curriculums such(prenominal) as sports, art and literature activities or even a small birthday party held in the dorm.My parents call such things above the useless-and- foul up-of time. raving mad of time and useless? Not on my life. How can I waste time with so many new ideas to learn and all the interesting and open-minded people to meet in these activities? How can learning to meet the world in a different way and leaving college with a new outlook on life be a waste of time and useless?. In contrast to my parents, books and grades are not enough, I need more activeness and practical things for my studying.My parents and I also differ in the attitude toward the relationship mingled with my opposite- sex friends and I. I have many friends, boys and girl, in high school, in the university, even at the stigmatise w here I have a part-time job. However, I find it easier to have the opposite sex ones as my close friends. They are easy-going, straightforward and less talkative than girls. I do think that we are only friends, that on that headspring is nothing unusual in our friendship moreover, my friends, as well as me, are old enough to know the limitation between sack out and friendship. On the other hand, my parents do not share the same point of view with me. They endlessly believe that there is nofriendship between boys and girls. They consider our friendship as love and violently show their variance whenever we mention this government issue. These loves will give bad effects on your studying and lead you to nowhere, my dear., said my mother times and times again. No matter how hard I try to explain, they still keep their attitude, advising me to put an end to such loves-which are actually the friendship that boys and girls can have.The contrast that we have do not end with attitudes toward my studying and friendship but also toward money and the way to spend it. My parents have healthy attitude toward money they consider money as a tool, as something they have, not something they are. workings hard day by day to support the family, they spend every cent of every dollar of the money they earned economically and reasonably. A fool with his money will soon parted, my father always reminds me. We spend much money on neither clothes, delicious solid food , nor presents for birthdays and holidays. My parents save money and never touch the saving in the desire if it is not necessary. Thanks to this, my sister and I could go to university without worrying about financial problem.Compared with my parents, I used to have quite negative attitude toward money. thither was a time when I thought money was the most important factor in my life, money could buy me anything I want happiness, friendship and other peoples admiration. I wasted all my money on fashion, expensive j ewels, presents for my friendsetc. Unfortunately the salary I got from my part time job could not afford, as a result, I was stuck in debt at a very young age 18. There were nothing left for me no friends, no happiness, no respect, but the sorrow in my family. Due to this unforgettable lesson, I can not disclaim that my parents point of view is definitely right.Though the contrast in attitudes toward such things as my studying, my friendship, and the way to use money is the reason why sometimes we feel upset and even sulk, it do not cause the multiplication gap in my family. My parents are not always right, so am I. But we know that if we have more chances to exchange our ideas, we can commiserate each other well and makes our home a really joyful family.

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